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Join Us

Be a Member

Sign up for free to receive regular updates on all of our services at MIPP. We will share summary updates of the best opportunities and resources for current and prospective public policy professionals to achieve their full potential, as well as volunteering opportunities that may arise.

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Be a Mentee

If you are a prospective or early career public policy professional, you can become a apply for a mentor. Applications operate in cycles throughout the year, so keep an eye out on the Mentoring page and follow us on social media for updates.

Be a Collaborator

MIPP wants to collaborate with other organisations that have shared aims and objectives - focused on upskilling the public policy workforce and enhancing the sector’s visibility to increase representation from Muslim, ethnically diverse and lower socioecomomic backgrounds. Want to collaborate with MIPP?

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Be a Donor or Sponsor

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities or donations to invest in improving the quality and quantity of our work, please contact us below.

Be part of MIPP’s story and join us today!

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